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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Cat Limericks


There once was a kitty named Bram,
Who is as meek and mild as a lamb,
He is a bit shy
Which is probably why,
It's surprising when he's a ham.


There is a crazy pussy named Pud,
Who tries to do what he should.
But he scratches and bites
and wants to start fights,
But in the end he's usually good.


There is a cute kitty named Bella
Who makes her litter box smell-a
You could break the scoop
when scooping her poop.
And shout when she makes the rug yella!


There is a strange kitty named Jangles
He just adores shiny bangles.
He sits on your feet,
And begs to be beat,
As over your kneecap he dangles.


There's an aloof cat named Bailey
He'd rather you not pet his tail-y
He looks down his short nose
In distant repose,
And bites my hand almost daily.


There is a cute kitty named Missy,
Who sometimes is terribly hissy.
She can be quite sweet,
but in a heartbeat
She changes 'cause she is p****.

1 comment:

ARLo said...

Goodbye Missy! We loved you so!